If you've ever watched My Lucky Star, then you know what my title is talking about, haha. Yep, like Zhong Tian Qi says it, "there's no tomorrow in tomorrow town" lmao xD
The first time I tried to watch this series, I thought it was boring and does not grab my attention the way some animes do. But actually, this series is not bad at all. I am only up to the third episode and it's made me want to cry once already. (Celsius once told me that she skipped a few episodes around the middle to save a box of tissues -.-)
Anyway, this drama seems to have it all. Good actors, amazing storyline, and really grabs your attention if you understand everything that's going on.
Plus, I love Jimmy Lin's acting. He's a natural in this field and he's also damn good looking! Looks a bit like Xiah but cuter! :] I think he just topped Wu Chun on my list. He is just too darn cute >.<
Episode 1
Initial Reaction: hey, who's that bad boy over there ;] so mischievious and LOVE that leather jacket on him haha but omgosh Jimmy Lin is too adorable. I think I'm in love with him already and I'm not even at the midpoint of the first episode yet >.< ..causing trouble in france and picking fights with frenchies haha. Love his driving too;; sucha bad boy cutie pie >.<
Second Half: omggg he's so sweet >.<;; that girl is so lucky! (even if it is just a movie) but ahh >.<
Episode 2
Honestly, I dont remember anything here o.o;; as I'm writing this, I'm in the middle of Episode 3 (paused of course) Paused, to take some time off, a little break, to jot down some quick thoughts about My Lucky Star so far. But it seems as if I've already forgot most of it already -.- and the only reason I remember episode 1 so much is cuz I've watched/attemped to watch it three times already lolol. First, cuz Celsius made me. Second, cuz I wanted to watch it for real this time. Third, cuz I didnt like crunchyroll's sound quality so I dled VeohTV (and they have english subs as a bonus) lol. Anyway, moving on!
Episode 3
I have a race this afternoon. Please help me modify this car as quickly as possible to increase its performance. Help me install a close-ratio transmission. For the tires, I want to use 15 inch aluminum alloy wheels. I want tires with a high heat rating, and remember to help me pump them up with nitrogen. To maintain stability while speeding on a curve, it's important that I choose shock absorbers that can allow the damping levels to be adjusted, so I'm going to choose one that can be adjusted for its resistane and height. For the clutch, help me install a competition standard carbon fiber one to reduce the car's power loss and to allow the traction of the car to be even stronger, as well as achieve faster turning speeds. For the engine, help me install new forged pistons and connecting rods, and polish the entire exhaust system. I also want the exhaust pipes to be completely new. After that, help me install a four barrel carburetor. I want the time to increase the speed from 0 to 100km/h to be reduced to six seconds. I think the car should generally be okay after passing it through such a thorough modification.
I think I've developed a sudden interest in professional race car drivers >.<
Everything started going downhill after he won the race though but omg when he went to play the guitar for her to make up for everything, it was so cuute >.< ..he has the most adorable smile ever! :] it got even better when he started singing (Dui Mian De Nu Hai) Kan Guo Lai.. gosh he's too cute :]
I so desperately want to forget about sleep and watch episode 4, but.. I think I can wait til tomorrow >.<
Anyway, around the middle of episode 1 (lolol) I paused and did a lil research on him and this is what I found so far:
* Name: Lin Chi Ying (Lin Zhi Ying)
* English name: Jimmy Lin
* Nickname: Little Whirlwind <-- kawaiiii >.<
* Profession: Actor, singer, and professional race car driver <-- sexyy
* Birthdate: 1974-Oct-15
* Birthplace: Taipei, Taiwan <-- genuine taiwanese guy
* Height: 173cm <-- no idea how tall that is :x
* Weight: 58kg <-- no idea how heavy that is either :x damn the metric system :[
* Star sign: Libra
* Chinese zodiac: Tiger <-- I read that Tigers and Horses get along real well ;]
* Blood type: O <-- another one! :o
* Family: One older brother, two younger brothers and a younger sister <-- wow, big family x]
* Hobbies: Dancing, swimming, playing baseball, car racing, and music
^I think I just found my soulmate. I LOVE to dance (when I'm alone :x I also wanted to continue taking dancing lessons but my mom doesnt seem to want to "waste" more money on that -.-)
Swimming? That's my favorite sport yo! :]
Baseball; love that too! Was on the softball team freshie yr of hs ;]
Car racing -- I love driving and going fast too >.< ..be it mario kart, bumper cars, go karts, or my dad's beat up toyota camry haha. Driving is cool tho :]
And music. Who doesnt love music? :]
Not only that but he's a very respectable guy too. According to wikipedia, he was an ambassador for numerous campaigns around Asia and was awarded the "International Outstanding Youth Award" by the mayor of San Francisco (2003). First Chinese ever to get this award. Not bad huh? :]
You know, I hate to admit this but, if I ever had a chance to meet any celebrity in the world, I'd choose Jimmy Lin. Just the fact that his acting can make me look up so much (AND write so much) about him in less than one episode says a lot about him and his character. And it doesnt matter that he is taking on the role of Tian Qi in My Lucky Star (oh it is not him, he is just acting). Like that saying where every lie has it's truth behind it. I believe that every actor has his character behind his role. Something like that, lol. (Yes, it is supposed to make sense, but not now I guess. I am too @_@ and am rushing this post somewhat cuz I've already wrote so much already) All in all, I'm glad Celsius asked me to watch My Lucky Star. And I'm glad I forced myself to watch and continue watching (even tho I didnt like it at first). Initially, this series was going to be one of those *force myself to do it, and do it quick so I can be done with it kind of thing and move on to Kanon* but I think I will slow down a bit and enjoy the rest of the ride for this one :]
One last thought, I put up a new song for you guys. It's called Kan Guo Lai by Richie Ren. Inspired by My Lucky Star, episode 3, haha. I'm sure you're all tired of my Alan Luo and his Lian Ai De Ren song (as I am tired of hearing it so much too) :x
Hope you guys like it and hope this post wasnt too much for your brains to handle! :]