Today, I bit into an apple that already rotted from the inside out. =[
I feel so traumatized T_T;
Also, school is starting in 3 days... /depression.
Today, I bit into an apple that already rotted from the inside out. =[
I feel so traumatized T_T;
Also, school is starting in 3 days... /depression.
A game my brother bought when we were younger and Nintendo 64 was still around. I used to hate this game.
Here are some noteworthy Claytality scenes:
*Claytality is a play on Mortal Kombat's Fatalities xD
1:21 Houngan vs. Boogerman
1:42 Houngan vs. Boogerman
Houngan: Voodoooo... voodoooo. Voodoo voodoo voodoo, voodoo voodoo voodoo voodoo voodoo xD. You mess with the wrong guy now. HAHAHA. Ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga. Cluck youu, BASH!
1:59 T-Hoppy vs. Dr. Kiln
T-Hoppy Left: Hocus pocus! *Dr. Kiln turns into T-Hoppy*
T-Hoppy Right: You blow
T-Hoppy Left: You suckk.
T-Hoppy Right: Your mother's a claymate!
T-Hoppy Left: OUCH. You need a ride in the (?)mobile.
T-Hoppy Right: That's a rip!
T-Hoppy Left: KIBBLER TIME! Who's the man?
2:18 Blob vs. Sumo Santa
Sumo Santa: Santa's gonna sit on YOUR lap
3:06 Bonker vs. T-Hoppy
T-Hoppy: I wanna go home T_T;
Bonker: I told you I'd win~
Aaaaaaand you kind of get the rest lol
My boyfriend bought me an ichigo sundae today. ♥
I just felt like I had to share that with the world. =]
Ichigo! Ichigo! Ichigo! ^o^
Lol dweeb.
And here's a little something extra from
An alarming trend that we’ve noticed at the Militant Geek HQ is the sloppy usage of the terms ‘geek’, ‘nerd’, and ‘dork’. It was almost as if certain individuals assumed that they meant the same thing! For the record Geeks are those that have technical aptitude, nerds are bright but socially awkward, and dorks are just inept excuses for protoplasm. To prevent such future travesties of verboten wonders the retired circus-monkey crew at Militant Geek has prepared this handy comparison chart:
Geek vs. Nerd vs. Dork
Fictional Differences Expressed in Terms of Everyday Items