Lucas' friend: 你竟跟敢LUCAS来到这种地方。我告诉你,我们高中的时候大家都说只要跟他牵手的女生都会怀孕。 [you dare come to this sort of place with Lucas. Let me tell you, during high school, everyone said that the females who held hands with him all got pregnant] bad translation. but you get the gist of it.
Girl: 不会啦。我知道LUCAS哥是正人君子。[no way. I know Lucas is a gentleman]
Lucas' friend: 她还帮你说话。[she's sticking up for you!]
Lucas: 你少闹她啦。她很单纯好不好。[stop messing around. she's really innocent]
Lucas' friend: 我老婆也很单纯啊。还被你带坏了。[my wife is really innocent. until she met you]
Girl: 真的假的!?你已经 -- [really!? you already..]
Lucas: 听他在放
屁。他老婆是这台车。[dont listen to his bs. his wife is this car]
Lucas' friend: 那你赶快帮我救我的老婆啊![hurry up and save my wife!]
Lucas was taking this girl home when he gets a call from his partner telling him to come up to the mountain where his car broke down. So Lucas and the girl go up to the mountain to help him fix the car. And the conversation above ensues. I found it pretty hilarious xD haha.