zomg, no waii! yes wayyy ;oI've just been informed by our dear Arrow that DongBangShinKi will be at this year's Hollywood Bowl ;o ZOMG NO WAY!! ok I did that already, lol.
SO SO, I dont kno too many details cuz I just found out and havnt done COMPULSIVE FANGIRL GOOGLING yet, but I did find out that the event will take place on May 17th. Tickets are out already but I'm sure they'll be frick@$$ expensive and this lady wants to get pool/garden seats.. -.-;;
but omg! look at these keeuutteee lightsticks that they'll be having there!
Yunho -- Junsu -- Jaejoong -- Yoochun -- Changmin (ok they're not that awesome) lol but still, I want the Micky Yoochun one >_> xD.
-sigh- I really wanna go :/
It's not the same as going to Korea, but it'll do<3
I hope they have nice haircuts when they come to the US :] >.< \m/ xDD.
okay guys, get ready for some Laugh Out Loud fun! cuz i hav 3 stories to tell, and they all involve.. my mom... (it's really sad) really, lol -.-
Story the First --
On one crazy night, there was this crazy lady. And we all called her 'mom'. So on that night, mom goes, zomg, crazy JacuzziJitters. Must fulfill. Time atm? 11:30 PM! Yes, thirty minutes to midnight. But no, who cares what time it is. The freaking place is open 24/7 and I must! go jacuzzi today. When ya wanna go jacuzzi, ya gotta gotta go. So, 5 minutes later, at 11:35 pm, mom packed a bunch of towels, swimwear, and change of clothes, and said "LET'S GO KIDS! WE'RE GOING TO THE YMCA!" and drags me and Dad into the car. We're like.. dotdotdot... mom, we wanna sleep =.= BUT WHO CARES ABOUT SLEEP WHEN THERE'S A JACUZZI WAITIN FOR US OUT THERE?! Yeah, so she dumped us on the car, and started driving. Off we go, yippee. When we got there, it was like 10 minutes to midnight... FREAKING MIDNIGHT YO! WTH. We walk in, and we're like.. the only losers there.. going for a dip in the pool.. @ 12 o'clock am.. on a Wednesday night.. so, pretty cool, pretty cool huh >_>
[Story the Second]
ANYWAY, two days later, mom had the jacuzzi munchies again. Good thing it was early this time.. only about 9 o'clock -.- But this time, only I went with her, cuz.. yesterday.. no one went with her.. cuz no one wanted to be seen with the crazy lady.. xD so this time, I was like, okay, I'll go with you today >_> SO, we hopped in the car. So, 9pm, it's like freaking dark and all right? Mom's about to drive.. she starts the car, buckles her seatbelt, and adjusts all the stuff and all.. and then she PUT ON HER SUNGLASSES! ..LOL, like wtf >_>;; I mean, mom.. sunglasses?? and she goes, yepp, cuz that's how I roll 8] ..lol ok j/k about that last part. I would be scared if she actually said that -.- It's really cuz we took the car to the Honda place today to fix the lights and do other various tidbits to it, and they didnt finish on time (the mechanics all left when the clock hit 6 xD). So, becuz they didnt fulfill their time thingy that they set for themselves, they had to give us a temporary driving car to use at no extra charge xD but dont worry, the car wasnt awesome. It was mad old school >.< freaking roll up windows and those locks that you have to push down manually if you wanna lock the friggin car -.- lol but back to the original story.. mom left her glasses in our Honda and only had her sunglasses with her... -.- but it's okay, cuz they're prescription, lol that's why. It was still hilarious though, watching mom drive around with sunglasses on in the dark xD
[Alright, Story the Last] This one's kind of a continuation of the last story. Where were we again? Oh yeah, me accompanying my mom to the pool hall cuz I'd feel bad if she went by herself again xD.
So, when we got to the pool place, mom and I walked up to the front desk, and she whipped out her "7 DAYS GUEST PASS" (along with her membership card of course). And the chick that worked there was like this chick that was mad anal. Mad, mad anal yo! The guy from two days ago took one glance at our pass and let us go. But this chick! She made us fill out a freaking form and wait 20 minutes for this other anal guy to come down to issue us an "Official Pass".... okay, whatever. As long as mom gets the jacuzzi, there shall be peace on earth. So, when the guy finally managed to show his big butt up, he was like, come with me ladies. So we followed him to his desk and he sat us down to do his thang. As he typed the info into the comp, he started making small talk with mom. The weather, the family, the usual stuff, AND THEN he was like, so... after 7 days, what do you plan to do for your daughter? (referring to signing me up for a gym membership of course).. and my mom goes, umm.. use the pass again? LOL! I was like mom!, you're not supposed to say that -.-;; It's funny cuz this other guy from the other gym @ riverside (where we originally signed up, but they're the same gym in diff locations) the guy gave us a whole stack of guest passes that he wrote his name on of course, so we can credit him when we go. But we went to the one closer to we live and totally ignored his "it's preferred that you come to my gym here at riverside" cuz that's my parents and that's what they do xD So, they have like this whole stack of these 7 days free - guest passes and all. Man, it was so sad. The guy looked so pissed when he was done with us, haha xD.
Anyway, that's my 3 stories for now. Sorry they were so lengthy and prolly not as funny as you thought it was gonna be :x but it was really funny when it was happening tho! I LOLLED so badly, it was really sad. I was cracking up in the locker room and in the pool. People were staring at me cuz I looked like a retard cuz I couldnt help laughing but I tried to hold it in, and the sound that resulted made it seem as if I was choking or something lol xD. I guess it's one of those, gotta be there things. Anyway, disregard this post if you dont get it. Sorry you had to read up to this point to see the disregard thing hahaha xD ok bye lol :x
Today, I felt really guilty for missing a kajillion days of school (more like 2) so I bought a newspaper :)
The Los Angeles Times Yippee~! :D (I took a pic of it too to prove I really did buy it and PLAN TO READ IT) ahems~ here it is :)
In addition, I bought a scratchcard today when we went shoppings at Ralphs. It was funny cuz after we went to Walmart, we went to Ralphs, then we went to Albertsons. All three are.. essentially... the same.. like.. freaking supermarket.. thing.. sell the same poop.. so, don't ask me why we went to three of them, consecutively -.- ANYWAY back to my scratchcard story :) So, so, I bought one cuz I remembered Arrowyy and Celsiusyy and JKLinyy and WMFangirlyy when you guys were like yay, you can buy scratchcards now! on my 18th beday, hehe. But it sucked cuz the scratchcard cost a dollar and I didnt win. Therefore, I wasted a dollar. Being 18 is sucha waste >_>. I think I'm gonna go buy a pack of cigarettes just for the hell of being 18 xD j/k j/k. Ugh, lol. Disgusting. Ahahas, ok. Yeah, I'm gonna go waste my life on other stuff now. Byee!
Hey guys, let's play a game called guess the cutie ;o
How To Play: I will show you guys a series of three pics with hints and you get to guess who you think he is. At the end of the 3rd hint, I will reveal the answer. Then I'll do a follow-up post providing you guys with more info cuz I kno after you see these pics, you'll be dyingto kno more bout him, hehe. Here we go!
Pic #1
Hint: He's korean ;]
Haha, cmon, I know you saw that coming. Gotta be korean at this stage, ami right? :] Aiight, here comes the next pic!
Hint #2: Recognize her? This little cutie played his younger stepsister in a drama called Stairway To Heaven. A korean drama of course. Her character's name was Jung-Suh. Beginning to sound a bit familiar? hehe. If not, then keep reading :] I'll guide you to it with
the last and FINAL hint for pic numero trois;
And the hint? -- Is that converse that he is wearing? ;o damn straight it is! gosh, he's keeutte >.<
ok, now what's your final answer? haha, just kidding. the REAL hint is, that's me and my new boyfriend :] awws♥ I kno right, tyty guys :] haha ok just kidding. last time i swear. Real hint is, he's in a JDrama called Tree of Heaven. He plays the char Yoon-suh. I'd give you guys more info bout the drama if I knew more about it, but I dont -.- In fact, I've never even heard of Tree of Heaven until I googled his name, haha.
Ok, well that's all the hints I have for you guys. So, so.. know who he is? Nope? Give up, give up yet? :] okay, I'll tell you, It's Lee Wan! Only the most eligible bachelor in korea! Such a cutie right, I know CX
So, as I've said earlier, here's a bit more info about him for all you curious ppls out there :]
Name:이완 or Lee Wan REAL Name:김형수 or Kim Hyeong Su [which is can also be spelled Hyung Soo, I dont kno why so dont ask lol] Date of Birth: The third of January, 1984 oh my he's young ;] Place of Birth: South Korea [Busan] Height: 176 cm.. no idea how tall that is :/ Weight: 68 kg.. no idea how heavy that is either.. Star Sign: El Capricorno Blood Type: O... psst, hey, I think I'm starting to see a pattern over here :] -sigh- I think I just love guys with type O blood xD Siblings: Two olders sisters, with second sister being actress Kim Tae Hee.
In addition, Lee Wan played Tae-Hwa in Stairway to Heaven. And that was how I found out about him. Took a while with the research cuz I didnt kno the actor's name who played Tae-Hwa -.-;; I'm sucha noob, shut up :[
Okay, well, I hope you enjoyed this post today, and I hope these two "surprises" werent too dissappointing >.<
1st -- MKMF Award [2006 dbsk] 2nd -- KangIn radio show [suju antifans] 3rd -- Inkigayo performance [dbsk Micky cried becuz of something about the rotation members] 4th -- EHB disbanding :'( 5th -- YSSM show 6th -- kiss the radio 7th -- FITB Live Tour Concert [2007 during PROUD performance] 8th -- KM show 9th -- MKMF Award [2005] 10th -- Suju won a Mutizen song; U 11th -- DBSK won a Mutizen song; Hug
Songs used in this vid are: --My Lady (Into the Sun OST) --Ahn Dwe Get Ni (Memories In Bali OST)
I bought this really cool eraser today :] It's awesome. It's awesome cuz it looks so bouncy and squishy and cute and cuddly and it's like black ya kno, and erasers are usually white. Today's like the first time I've ever seen a black eraser. It was so cool xD And of course, with all cool things, I gotta take a pic of it, check it out :D
The cute bag it came in :] And the eraser. -pokepoke- ahh its soo keeuuttee >.<'' -squishh-
ok fine. it's not as cute as I described him, but i think he's adorable<3
I think I'll call him BoinggxDD
okayy, moving on! um yeah.. hey guys.. I think I've developed a sudden interest in korean boys :x Note the "xiah fever" as celsius calls it -.- Note the.. not to be named cool korean kid from physics last year, shh! >_> Note the Kangin destop wallpaper (which you guys cant see but if you go to Arrow&Quiver's blog, you just might find it) Note the blog that speaks of this korean interest [refer to future surprise #2 ;xx]
BTW, I blame all of the above notes on Arrow <_<;;>_>' now I think Korean guys are so much hotter than any other guys >.<
Anyway, stay tuned cuz I have two surprises coming up this weekend. And yes, not one, but TWO! :]Ok well, to avoid any confusion and potential "OMG SUSPENSE" thingies, umm.. they're not really "surprises" persay. More like.. ahh just wait and you'll see :] The second one's really cool. But the first one's not bad either. Typical but touching but youtube quality. xD.
oh btw, I got an acceptance letter to st. johns with a $16k scholarship which is funny cuz when I opened up their mail, and was reading it, I was like.. wth I didnt even apply to this school >_>
..just thought I'd update you guys a bit on how desperate the world can get sometimes.
hehehehe episode 11 was great. very sad tho. great, but sad. turning point of the whole story, i'll say.
Bosco and Natalie's relationship going crack. Kevin and Niki's relationship falling thru. -sigh-
Everything's dying :(
On a happier note, something really cool I noticed during this episode --
You kno that blue lamp that niki uses when she goes blogging on her comp? I HAVE ONE TOO! and it's the exact same one, almost (mine is red) ^o^ oh and except I never use mine and I just keep it in my room cuz it looks good. What's a room without a table lamp?
Aightt, I think it's picture time! :)
Really bad screenshot of Bosco WITH CLEAVAGE on realplayer :D
So, Jimmy Lin has the nicest legs, then Kevin Cheng, then Wu Chun. Jimmy prolly has the nicest arms and nicest body too. Wu Chun has the oogliest arms >_> they look they're freaking constipated <_<'
I like Jessie the best :) As for the guys... I dont like any of them >_> ESP. not DON DUM. Ugh, I used to feel slightly sorry for him but gosh what a penorhead >.<
Jimmy Lin has really nice legs. Seriously.
OH OH, one last thing before I go, in regards to my last post... I like how I wrote about nothing and you guys commented me... 4 times! lol -.-