
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Theory

Four days ago, I was thinking about life, and had a mini-epiphany. I just had to share it with somebody, so I told good ole Celsius :)

"Celsius, I just realized something... I know why people think about the past so much and put so much emphasis on the future... It's because the present is only a fleeting moment... and it doesnt last. Yet paradoxically, the present is the only moment, and the present lasts forever. Do you get me??"

I could totally write an essay on this come school. Makes sense though, right?? Man I'm soo good :P

1 comment:

Celsius said...

OMG! If you have time, write the essayyy!!! I think I will get it more!!!! Pretty please, professor kiwi!!!! Hahahahaa!!!