
Saturday, October 2, 2010


I cant will myself to sleep. I was looking through pictures of China earlier from this year and reminiscing what it was like to be surrounded by cousins, aunts, uncles, mom, bro, granny 24/7... :( I miss that feeling of family. I wonder how many people out there dont even have family to miss right now. Why is life so depressing? By life I mean reality. Go to college, get a degree. Go to grad school. Get a better degree. Find a job. Get bored of job. Find a significant other. Get bored of each other. Have kids. Relive your life thru them. Grow old, retire, and yeah.. Nevermind, we're all too caught up in our own lives, seeking out excitement and fun things, to ponder pointless philosophical phenoms like this. OH WELL! Life shall go on. And I, too, shall busy myself with quests for fun adventures in this world that provide me with the temporary illusion that I'm happy and content with my life as is.

I signed onto QQ in an attempt to communicate with my cousin. Yeah, fail. I have no idea how to work this thing. And everything's in chinese, which theoretically speaking, I should be able to read... except as usual, things learnt in a classroom tend to be useless in real life. Somehow "formal mandarin" doesnt translate well in technology.

I dont get how ppl expect college students to be able to attend class, hold a job, be involved in clubs/sports, and still do all the homework and endless readings, while managing a social life, time to eat and sleep, and various other miscellaneous things that come up every now and then like laundry and your great aunt from Hong Kong who decided to spontaneously drop by for a surprise visit. Clearly, society regards the youth of today as superhuman beings (while at the same time calling us lazy, spoiled, and reluctant to grow up -- refer to NYTimes article, "What Is It About 20-Somethings?" http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/22/magazine/22Adulthood-t.html) who are capable of anything so long as we think we can do it, anything is possible! Commence development of insane time management skills.

...I should go to sleep. I have a lunch date with a holocaust survivor scheduled to take place in about nine and a half hours. :)


Celsius said...

Dramas are the remedies to the realities of life.


hanakiwi said...

except korean dramas. those are the opposite LOL sad endings