
Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today, 3rd graders forced me to play freeze tag with them. I was it.

Yesterday, they forced me to play regular tag with them. I was also it. Why am I always it?! =(

When they coaxed me into playing cops & robbers with them... guess who was the bad guy? Me, of course -.-; And every kid half my age was a cop. I got surrounded and cornered by like 20 kids half my height T_T;

Tomorrow... we are going swimming with them. SWIMMING. In a pool of WATER. 20 miniature people. Oh boy, I wonder what they're gonna make me play with them in water. Can't wait! >_>;


Celsius said...

the marco polo water game! hahaha~

ahahaha~ ur 3rd graders sounds so cute! hahaha~

hanakiwi said...

They are pretty cute hehes ;D