
Friday, March 14, 2008

How Do You Like, Your Eggs In The Morning?

I bought this really cool eraser today :] It's awesome. It's awesome cuz it looks so bouncy and squishy and cute and cuddly and it's like black ya kno, and erasers are usually white. Today's like the first time I've ever seen a black eraser. It was so cool xD And of course, with all cool things, I gotta take a pic of it, check it out :D

The cute bag it came in :] And the eraser. -pokepoke- ahh its soo keeuuttee >.<'' -squishh-

ok fine. it's not as cute as I described him, but i think he's adorable<3

I think I'll call him BoinggxDD

okayy, moving on! um yeah..
hey guys.. I think I've de
veloped a sudden interest in korean boys :x
Note the "xiah fever" as celsius calls it -.-
Note the.. not to be named cool korean kid from physics last year, shh! >_>
Note the Kangin destop wallpaper (which you guys cant see but if you go to Arrow&Quiver's blog, you just might find it)
Note the blog that speaks of this korean interest [refer to future surprise #2 ;xx]

BTW, I blame all of the above notes on Arrow <_<;;>_>' now I think Korean guys are so much hotter than any other guys >.<

Anyway, stay tuned cuz I have two surprises coming up this weekend. And yes, not one, but TWO! :] Ok well, to avoid any confusion and potential "OMG SUSPENSE" thingies, umm.. they're not really "surprises" persay. More like.. ahh just wait and you'll see :] The second one's really cool. But the first one's not bad either. Typical but touching but youtube quality. xD.

oh btw, I got an acceptance letter to st. johns with a $16k scholarship which is funny cuz when I opened up their mail, and was reading it, I was like.. wth I didnt even apply to this school >_>

..just thought I'd update you guys a bit on how desperate the world can get sometimes.


Anonymous said...

korean boys<3

Anonymous said...

Korean boys?!what happen to Jimmy Lin ?? btw u cut sch to buy that cute little black eraser?! =P

Anonymous said...


He'll always be number 1 in my heart.. maybe :]

And cut is such a harsh word. More like I overslept okay :x hehe but ya, it was totally worth it cuz the eraser was soo cuutee >.<

Anonymous said...

...... get me an eraser XD hahahs where did you get it? ><; OMGOSH! you revealed your real name.. i hope you know that.. and your address too................
wtf, schools wont accept you unless you applied -.-' you probably did apply -.-'
what's the name of the not so cool krn kid? lols
*Note the blog that speaks of this korean interest [refer to future surprise #2 ;xx]* surprise #2 has no blog?
... and who's anonymous#1 O.o

hanakiwi said...

you.. are one observant girl.. -.-

and srsly i didnt apply, no joke. all i did was go to the online link they emailed me and i filled out the first half of the app, then when it got to the really detailed stuff and all, i was like ehh forget it, cuz i already handed everything in in school already. like srsly. i didnt even make an envelope for st johns which = my counselor doesnt kno which = they cant send them my transcript and stuff. plus, i didnt even send them my sat scores thru collegeboard cuz then i'd hav to pay like another 9 bucks or so -.-

hanakiwi said...

and lol, you shudda told me before i got home -.- i still cant find the jelly straws. surprise #2 is the my most recent post.. the one on Lee Wan, pay attention lady! lol. and anonymous #1 is ant, haha. and krn boy.. i'll tell you in person.. if i see you before i leave >_> hahaha